Surf Road and Okinja Road Urban Drainage Upgrade

Preliminary engineering design and documentation for the upgrade of an existing concrete trapezoidal channel located between Surf Road and Okinja Road, Alexandra Headland.  The channel upgrade is required to tie in to recently completed culvert and channel upgrades at the downstream and upstream extents of works respectively.  The purpose is to provide a visually uniform channel between Surf Road and Okinja Road.

Nicklin Way Drainage Investigation

The commission was to carry out drainage analysis and hydraulic modelling broken down into networks of the existing piped drainage system surrounding Nicklin Way from Tokara Canal to the Mooloolah River.

The need for the analysis resulted from customer complaints in regards to flooding adjacent to and along Nicklin Way during the March 2012 rain events.

The work was carried out progressively in 4 phases to best meet Council’s needs as follows:

Phase 1 – Data Compilation and Preliminary Catchment Plan
Phase 2 – Ground Truthing – Plan Finalisation of Existing Network
Phase 3 – Commencement of Existing Network Analysis
Phase 4 – Potential network improvements.

Mooloolaba Caravan Park Revetment Wall

Sunshine Coast Council requested Projex Partners undertake design and approvals of refurbishment of the existing rock wall protecting the caravan park on Mooloolaba Beach foreshore.

This project is currently on hold pending outcomes of Sunshine Coast Council’s Mooloolaba foreshore planning.

Shelley Beach Revetment Wall, Caloundra

Projex Partners was engaged by Sunshine Coast Council to undertake detailed design of a new rock revetment wall to protect the existing vegetation and replace the rock pitching around the stormwater pipe outlet with a grouted rock pitched wall. Design included sections of dry stack and grouted rock pitching and extended from the existing fence north of the pipe outlet to the existing rock revetment wall on the southern side of the pipe outlet.

The project is due to start construction in late 2016.

Maloja Boat Ramp, Caloundra

Sunshine Coast Council requested Projex Partners undertake survey, concept and detailed design for rehabilitation of the existing boat ramp.

The project required the design of a topping slab over the existing concrete slab as well as new toe planks below the tide line.

The design had to allow for the extremely harsh conditions of the coastal environment.

River Esplanade Revetment Wall, Mooloolaba

Projex Partners was engaged by Sunshine Coast Council to undertake detailed design and approvals for a grouted rock pitched revetment wall at River Esplanade including detailing of the pipe outlet through the revetment wall, construction cost estimate and review of geotechnical report.

The design was consistent with similar designs provided to Council for the Bindaree Crescent and Penny Lane projects.

The project is due to start construction in late 2016.

Penny Lane Revetment Wall, Mooloolaba

Projex Partners was engaged by Sunshine Coast Council to undertake the design and approvals of a new retaining wall at Penny Lane, Mooloolaba to protect from further Mooloolah River erosion including organising and lodgement of owner’s consent with DERM and a tidal works application for the proposed revetment wall construction.

Bruce Highway Safety Works, Bowen

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (Mackay – Whitsunday District) engaged Projex Partners to conduct a road safety review to identify areas of safety concern under the Bruce Highway Safety Program. The section of the Bruce Highway investigated extends from Scully Street, Bowen to Champion Street, Bowen within the Bowen region.  This investigation identified a number of potential improvements on this section of highway. The associated engineering works include, the production of a business case for the application of 6.7km of wide centre line treatment and the upgrade of two intersections to include channelised right turns.

Bruce Highway Safety Works, Isaac LGA to Alligator Creek

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (Mackay – Whitsunday District) engaged Projex Partners to conduct a road safety review to identify areas of safety concern locations under the Bruce Highway Safety Program. The section of the Bruce Highway investigated extends from Granite Creek, on the electoral boundary between Isaac Regional Council and Rockhampton Regional Council to Alligator Creek, between Mackay and Sarina. This 160km stretch of road passes the towns of St Lawrence, Clairview, Carmila, Ilbilbie, Koumala and Sarina. In total 383 hazardous or potentially hazardous items were identified for improvement including items such as improved signage, improved delineation, improved intersection operation and improved roadsides.

Projex Partners developed a reporting system to assist TMR in its prioritisation of the safety works packages in this section.