West Coolum Boat Ramp

The West Coolum Boat Ramp is located on the shore of the Paynter River at the western end of West Coolum Road, west of the Sunshine Motorway.

The project included the reconstruction of a failed boat ramp with a precast boat ramp in accordance with TMR specifications for Sunshine Coast Council.

Projex Partners designed the boat ramp as well as concrete anchor beam, bedding material and shoulder design. Poor subgrade support required the use of piled foundations for the anchor beam..

Paulette Street Drainage & Watermain Upgrade, Mackay

Projex Partners was engaged by Mackay Regional Council for the design and documentation of underground stormwater drainage and watermain with associated service connections within Paulette Street, between Nebo Road and Field Street.

The associated engineering works included the design and documentation for new trunk stormwater drainage and new upgraded watermain and the assessment of the contributing catchments and the associated flows determined for a 5 year ARI. The design took into account the ultimate future road widths and clearances required to future infrastructure.

Road Safety Audit – Commissioners Flat Road, Peachester

Sunshine Coast Council engaged Projex Partners to complete a Road Safety Audit of the existing Commissioners Flat Road, Peachester.

This audit covered approximately 5.3km of the existing Commissioners Flat Road, between the intersections of Kilcoy Beerwah Road (also referred to as Peachester Road) and Page Road.

The results of the audit were used by Council in formalising a submission for Blackspot funding.

Road Safety Audit – Kiel Mountain Road, Kiel Mountain

Projex Partners was engaged by Sunshine Coast Council to complete a Road Safety Audit of the existing Kiel Mountain Road, Kiels Mountain.

The audit covered approximately 3.4km of the existing Kiel Mountain Road, Kiels Mountain between the intersection of Eudlo Flats Road and the Bruce Highway overpass.

The results of the audit were used by Council in formalising a submission for Blackspot funding.

Maroochydore City Centre Initial Intersection Design

Projex Partners was engaged by SunCentral for the planning and design (including preparation and evaluation of options) for new intersections accessing the planned Maroochydore City Centre Priority Development area. Input has included design associated with 2 major urban intersections including a complex signal controlled roundabout at Aerodrome Road and First Avenue, Maroochydore including coordination of specialist sub-consultants.

Planning has included versatility for accommodation of possible future light rail or dedicated bus lanes as coordinated with Council’s allied transport projects.

The project has entailed stakeholder management and negotiation with TMR with a view to securing agreement between TMR and Council of the planning and operational merit of the proposed signal controlled roundabout.

The project also involves the upgrading of 2 intersections to provide a fourth leg into the Maroochydore City Centre at Bungama Street and Dalby Street.

Lot 890 Regatta Boulevard, Wurtulla

Lot 890 Regatta Boulevard, Wurtulla is a proposed medium density development of 89 townhouses, on-site parking and green space.

Projex Partners was engaged to prepare an Integrated Water Management Plan (IWMP) to support a Material Change of Use application for the proposed development at Lot 890 on SP148396 located at Regatta Boulevard in Wurtulla.

The intention of the Integrated Water Management Plan is to integrate elements of the water cycle, including drinking water, stormwater, wastewater and groundwater, to reduce impacts on the environment, infrastructure and the community.

Projex Partners was also engaged to complete a Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) and analysis using SIDRA and Stormwater Management Plan to assess performance of the existing Nicklin Way/ Regatta Blvd and Nicklin Way/ Moondarra Street intersections including queue spill back consideration.

195 Parklands Boulevard, Little Mountain

195 Parklands Boulevard, Little Mountain is a proposed medium density development consisting of 174 dwellings and community care space.

Projex Partners was engaged to prepare an Integrated Water Management Plan (IWMP) to support a Material Change of Use application for the proposed development on Lot 1 RP196200 located at 195 Parklands Boulevard in Little Mountain.

The intention of the Integrated Water Management Plan is to integrate elements of the water cycle, including drinking water, stormwater, wastewater and groundwater, to reduce impacts on the environment, infrastructure and the community.

Projex Partners was also engaged to complete a Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) to assess the potential effects of the proposed development on the adjacent intersections of Parklands Boulevard/Meridan Way and Parklands Boulevard/Ivadale Boulevard.

Kings Beach Rock Groyne Rehabilitation

The existing rock groyne at Kings Beach had succumbed to prevailing wave action and was no longer on its original alignment. Sunshine Coast Council engaged Projex Partners to provide engineering services and approvals for the design of a rehabilitated rock groyne (on the original footprint) and to assist in gaining statutory approvals associated with the construction of the structure.

Project due to start construction in 2017.

McKenzie Accommodation Village, Blackwater

Projex Partners was engaged by BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance to prepare Recommended Design Standards for use in the Design and Construction Documentation being prepared for the McKenzie Accommodation Village in Blackwater.

Works included concept and detailed design of a CHR(S) / AUL intersection with lighting and cross road drainage, and an internal road approximately 3km long with a large creek crossing requiring a backwater analysis.

Blackwater Mine SPV – Intersection

The site is located approximately 20km south of the Capricorn Highway on Blackwater- Rolleston Road and is approximately 900m north of the BMA Blackwater Mine Industrial Area.

Concept and detailed design of a CHR/AUL intersection including lighting, signage and cross road drainage.

Detailed design drawings and contract documentation for a new T-intersection on Blackwater – Rolleston Road, Stewarton for the proposed road to the Blackwater Mine Accommodation Village.