Mooloolaba Beach Sand Reclamation Pipeline

Projex Partners was engaged by Sunshine Coast Council to design, document and certify a buried Sand reclamation (dredging) pipeline. The pipeline was designed to allow rapid deployment of the dredge at the harbour mouth and to provide for sand re-nourishment to the Mooloolaba Beach. The project extended from the Mooloolaba Spit to the surf club at a distance of 1.5 km. Due to cost of the project, the project was staged to meet with councils budgetary constraints.

The pipeline was a 400DN polyethylene pipeline, selected for its toughness and flexibility. To provide a resilient design the pipeline was buried at 2m below the eroded beach level. This also served to improve public safety and aesthetics. To provide further resilience the pipeline was anchored along the beach to secure the pipeline; in the event the beach is eroded in extreme weather event.

The design featured regular buried discharge points (located by GPS) and breakout points to allow insertion of a booster pump.

Abbot Point Quarry

Third party audit of a contractor Stormwater Management Plan and Erosion and Sediment Control Plan in accordance with the environmental approvals for a proposed quarry.

Saraji Mine

Projex Partners was commissioned by BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) to investigate the suitability, effectiveness, costs and benefits of engineering treatments to improve the wet weather performance of selected haul roads at Saraji Mine, located in the Bowen Basin in Central Queensland. Specifically Ramps 10, 11 and 12 within the Ebony Pit were investigated.

Queens Street Upgrade

Project management for Queens Street Upgrade project at Caloundra involving duplication to 4 lanes and a grade separated interchange connection to Nicklin Way and other at grade signalised intersection upgrades.

Nandroya Industrial Estate

Development Manager for the decontamination planning, design and construction for 11 industrial allotments over 10 hectares at Cooroy.

Project value: $5.3 Million

Bellflower Estate, Sippy Downs (136 Lots)

This project involves various stages within the Bellflower Estate, including a boardwalk and viewing platform of Lacewing Pond, the entrance to Bellflower Road and the design of the Northern Channel to manage impacts on fauna and flora. This project involved construction management and contract administration of 64 lot subdivision including earthworks, drainage, pavements, water reticulation, sewerage and retaining walls. Detailed design, documentation and construction administration of a 57 lot subdivision. Works included road and intersection design, stormwater drainage, bio-retention basins, pavements, signage, sewerage and water reticulation, and management of landscaping and electrical/lighting design consultants. Detailed design, documentation and construction administration of a 15 lot subdivision. Works included road and intersection design, stormwater drainage, bio-retention basins, pavements, signage, sewerage and water reticulation, and management of landscaping and electrical/lighting design consultants.

Ridley Road, Bridgeman Downs

160 Ridley Road was a 13,800 m2 lot located in Bridgeman Downs on the northern side of Brisbane. This project involved the subdivision of the original residential lot into 19 residential lots varying from 650m2 to 400m2 lots and a 3,100m2 lot provisioned for future medium density development. Projex Partners was tasked with the detailed design, operational works application and construction supervision of civil works. The associated engineering works included the design of internal roads, underground drainage infrastructure, sewer services, bulk earthworks, watermain and relocation of services. Brisbane City Council conditions also required the design and construction of widening works on Ridley Road, including the provision of a bus stop and footpath in the adjacent road reserve.