Bruce Highway Cooroy-Curra – Section C

Preconstruction project management and technical advisory input for the planning and preparation of a business case for the upgrade of the Bruce Highway between Traveston Road and Gympie as part of the Cooroy to Curra upgrade project. Input progressed to include preconstruction project management for the detail design and documentation for construction of the upgrade.
Project value: $680 Million

Bruce Highway Cooroy-Curra – Section B

Preconstruction project management and project direction for the delivery of development phase for through carriageway finishing works ($110M) and northern Traveston Road interchange and Mary Valley Link Road and new bridge crossing of the Mary River ($130M). Role included management and facilitation of an Early Tenderer Involvement (ETI process) involving three construction contractor proponents.

Project value: $260 Million

Bruce Highway Cooroy-Curra – Section A

Technical advisory services to the Principal Planning and design consultant for the planning and preparation of a business case for the upgrade of the Bruce Highway between Cooroy and Sankeys Road as part of the Cooroy to Curra upgrade project.

Project value: $600 Million