Pasha and Eaglefield Road Upgrades, Moranbah

45.92km rural road upgrade within Isaac Regional Council to accommodate increased heavy vehicle loading and improve flood immunity, safety and reliability.

The design included the upgrade and introduction of 9 culvert structures, 13 floodway structures and longitudinal drainage structures for the project.

Caloundra Road Vulnerable Road Users

Investigation and detailed design for the vulnerable road user facility upgrade project at the Caloundra Road / West Terrace / Baldwin Street intersection in Caloundra.

Works included traffic signal design, detailed road design and detailed cost estimate to upgrade the pedestrian facilities to allow access for disabled and impaired pedestrians.

32 Myla Road, Landsborough

Detailed design for a 20 lot residential subdivision including earthworks, stormwater drainage and water and sewer reticulation.

Dump Ezy, Cooloola National Park

Dump Ezy provides campers within the Cooloola National Park a clean user-friendly discharge point for portable toilets. Projex Partners alongside Future Plus Environmental provided the design and contract administration for the project. The facility includes underground sewer holding tanks, elevated water tank, solar powered water pump and high water alarm system. Site accessibility, very poor ground conditions and ongoing wet weather were some of the challenges overcome during the delivery of the project for Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services.